Privacy Policy

Suncoast NPI is committed to data privacy and security for its members. This Privacy Policy outlines how Suncoast NPI collects, uses, discloses and safeguards any personal information or other data provided to us. Suncoast NPI has created this Privacy Policy to explain our privacy practices in order to ensure that all members are aware of their rights when registering for or using our services or website.

This policy applies to all users of the Suncoast NPI website, including both members and non-members. By using the Suncoast NPI website and/or accessing our services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not register with or use our services or website.

Suncoast NPI may collect information that personally identifies you (“personal information”) such as your name, contact details (e-mail address, telephone numbers), financial information (credit card numbers), home address, business affiliation(s) and other similar data. We may also collect certain non-personally identifiable information such as demographic data regarding your gender, age group, geographical area and interests related to the services we offer.

Suncoast NPI will use any collected personal information purely for internal purposes including but not limited to contacting users about membership services etc., updating user profile information including contact details etc., providing user feedback on products and services offered by Suncoast NPI and updating user preferences related to advertising etc. Our primary goal in collecting personal information is to provide members with the most efficient service possible so that they get better value from their membership with us.

We acknowledge that some members may not want us disclosing their personal information beyond what we have outlined in this privacy policy; however it is possible for us to do this in limited circumstances where it is necessary for legal reasons or disclosed in accordance with applicable laws. In such cases we will only share your personal data if it is absolutely necessary and only after obtaining prior consent from you. We always endeavor to limit sharing of any personally identifying information outside of our organization except where there are legal obligations on us which require disclosure of such information.

We also strive to ensure high levels of security when processing personal data by using industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring sensitive material over networks such as the internet and by implementing internal processes designed to protect against unauthorized access or improper use of user’s personal information within our organization itself. All our employees are informed about these security measures regularly so that they understand the importance of protecting user’s personal data at all times while performing their duties within Suncoast NPI organization.

Finally we would like you to be aware that if you choose to link out from our site (to a third-party site) then you should read its respective privacy policy as SuncoastNPI cannot be responsible for any content/information shared on a third party site nor can we guarantee its accuracy being solely responsible for its own content/information available on our own domain URL – .